公式は call the police on X ( xを警察に通報する。)。0:32 he actually called the police on a customer. 塩振りおじさんは、実際に、顧客を警察に通報した。
Salt Bae Is Out of Money...
3:16 did you ever imagine that the police would be called on you because of your shorts ? 自分の短パンが原因で警察に通報されるなんて、想像したことがありますか?
Women Who Were Told Their Outfits Were ‘Too Revealing’
1;43 after processing the fact that someone called the police on me, believe it or not, this has never happened to me in my life. 誰かが私を警察に通報したという事実を理解した後ですが、信じられないかもしれませんが、こんなことは生まれて初めてです。
Jimmy Kimmel Responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene After She Reported Him to Police