
what I wouldn't do for 構文

what I wouldn't do for something のためなら何でもする。19;13 what I wouldn't do for a chicken sandwich. チキンサンドのためなら何でもする。

What Happens to NYC's Food Waste? | On the Job | Priya Krishna | NYT Cooking

8;31 what I would not give to give that a try now, everybody. こいつを食うためなら何でもやるぜ。

Tasting a steak you can never afford!

9;11 he asked me what I wouldn't do for Fox. ロジャーエイルズは私に、フォックスのためなら何でもするのかと聞いてきた。

Megyn Kelly Presents: A Response to "Bombshell" - Full Discussion

0:24 there was nothing he wouldn't do for his students. 彼は生徒たちのためなら何でもした。

Honoring a beloved mentor with Alzheimer's