

9:44 in order to keep the Eurozone intact, the European Union will likely reach a compromise that would involve extending the February deadline while also extending the period when the Greece's debt repayments would be due and offering a lower or even zero percent interest rate. Syriza for their part will likely try to (3 words) their vision of social justice providing aid to those Greeks hit hardest by austerity measures. ユーロ圏を守るためにヨーロッパ連合は何らかの妥協案に達するだろう。それはギリシャが二月に迎える支払いの延期とギリシャが借りているお金の支払い期間の延長、そして利息の引き下げかあるいは無利子化することだ。ギリシャ急進左派連合(シリザ)は選挙公約を守り緊縮財政で苦しむ人々を救済する努力をすることができるだろう。