
answer to somebody

answer to somebody は誰それに仕えるくらいの意味。1:12 I've go to be careful with that too because I have to answer to my wife too, being a responsible person. 一日も休まずに自転車で職場に通うことは結構だが、用心しなくちゃいかん。私は妻のある身でもあるからだ。責任のある行動をとらねば。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N6il1oQm_w  1:38 according our report to the European parliament, there are thousands of branches of the 610 Office throughout China, a provincial, district, municipal and neighborhood levels. and they answer directly to the Communist Party Central Committee. これらの610弁公室はありとあらゆるレベルで中国全土を監視しており、その活動は共産党中央委員会直属だ。

1:15 we answer to no one. 俺たちに命令する奴はいない。

6 Underground Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Trailers

a-9985 I answer only to the President