

think on your feet といいます。0:14 he was raised in the land Down Under, where a man thinks on his feet, speaks with his fist, and lives by his wits. ダンディーは豪州で育った。そこでは生きていくためには判断力がすばやく、こぶしで語り、知恵をめぐらせることが不可欠だった。

Crocodile Dundee - Trailer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koQSifcDZ2Y  1:33 it turns out the rod was't up to the job. but another thing about fishing successfully, it's about thinking on your feet. 釣竿はもたなかったが、もう一つのつりの秘訣はとっさの判断ができるかと言うことだ。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivysnBvpM48  20:32 Lucy, you'd better put your shoes back on. you're beginning to think with your feet. また思いついたことをすぐに口にする!注;日本のホテルで靴を脱いでいる設定なので、靴を履いてちゃんと考えなさいと、洒落ている。ここでは think with your feet は面白い言い方ですが、読者はあくまでも基本である think on your feet をおぼえましょう。

a-8464 think on your feet
a-8595 think on our feet
b-0842 think on your feet
b-1975 think on your feet
b-4864 thinking fast on her feet