

1:58 The eldest child and only daughter of Don and Betty Draper, Sally’s character has changed significantly over the course of the series as she’s grown from a child to a young woman, from a supporting character to a more central one. though we’d struggle to say Sally is close with her father, they’re (4 words) when compared to her relationship with Betty, whom she antagonizes every chance she gets. ドレーパー一家の長女のサリーは大きくなるにつれ中心的な役柄を演じるようになった。サリーは母親よりも父親に近いといえるが実は母親との関係においては父親とまったく同じように母に何でもかんでも反対する、「この父にしてこの娘あり」の関係といえる。

Top 10 Women of Mad Men