Miranda Lambert Attacks Chris Brown Over Twitter, At Concert, Tells Him to 'Take Notes' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7CyOAakIHA 1;43 in there, he railed against the US policy but actually spared Obama. カストロ議長は約40分のスピーチの中でアメリカの外交政策を厳しく批判したがオバマ大統領に対しては寛大だった。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTfgmIgSKhQ 1;14 do you remember the occupy movement? the one that started in the Wall Street? the protesters who railed against the system they believed empowered the very Wall Street which brought Western economies to their knees. 「ウォール街を占拠せよ」運動をおぼえていますか?ウォール街発祥でウォール街の懐を肥やすシステムが金融システムを崩壊寸前まで追い込んだことに腹を立てた連中が起こしたあの運動を?
b-0739 railed against