
worth your weight in gold

worth your weight in gold は自分の目方同等の金の価値がある、つまりとても貴重、大切だという意味。0:50 the cheese is worth its weight in gold. チーズの値段は跳ね上がってとても貴重だよ。

Russia makes knock-off European cheese as embargo bites
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coNBH8ITvp0  41:07 when your ship is worth $100 million, a pilot who knows the harbor and every local rock and shoal is literally worth his weight in gold. 船が120億なら、それを誘導する水先案内人はとても貴重な存在だ。
[HD] Discovery Channel - Mighty Ships [Becrux]

a-9029 worth its weight in gold
b-6132 worth their weight in gold