
trials and tribulations

trials and tribulations は臥薪嘗胆(がしんしょうたん)、艱難辛苦(かんなんしんく)、難行苦行、七難八苦、、、そのような意味です。いつもセットで使われるので漢字の四字熟語で表現するのがぴったりです。6:45 A person who has lived to the age of 77 with a collective vision, and not the egocentric, egotistical and personal way of life, and has fought many battles in especially difficult times, because Greece has been through an exceptional number of trials and tribulations throughout history, who decides not to express this vision in an egotistical way, but by sacrificing his own life to relay the message of this collective vision, we can only consider his death as a non-selfish act, and probably the most humane act of his life. 77歳で緊縮財政下のギリシャに訴えるために自らの命を絶った私の父はギリシャの艱難辛苦の歴史のように、人生で多くの戦いを経験してきた。その人が私憤ではなく公憤に満ちて自分の命を絶ったことは身勝手な行為ではなく崇高な行為だった。

Why the Greek crisis is a matter of life and death for some
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5rddd6xM7A  0:01 the seat of British government that has rarely seen such extraordinary trials and tribulations as the previous 24 hours. 今回の総選挙では昨日から今日にかけて稀に無い捲土重来を期した戦いが繰り広げられた。
Final election thoughts from the #BigRedBus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWwsV6GdEb8  31;15 someone who will lead this family through all its trials and tribulations. この試練の時に一家を導いてくれる父親
The Nurse 1997 (Full Movie HD)

a-2269 full of trials and tribulations
a-4520 the trials and tribulations
b-3476 some trials