

標的を背負う者という表現は日本語にはないが英語ではそういう。イメージ的にはかっぱの甲羅がダーツボードになっている様子を想像できればいい。0:54 the public sector union members do have a target on their back. they are the peg that's standing higher. and that's where the hammer's gonna come down. 民間の組合員は取締りの対象になっている。奴らは出る釘だから打たれる。

Unions nationwide targeted for budget cuts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unSghA9cdUc   0:16 but Trump's not the only candidate sounding off about Cruise who's busy barnstorming through new Hampshire with the wind at his back and apparently a target on his back. クルーズ氏のアイオワでの勝利をくさすのはトランプ氏だけではない。クルーズ氏は次のニューハンプシャー州で追い風を背にして選挙活動に精を出しているが、色々な中傷の的にもなっている
Trump Says Cruz ‘Stole’ His Iowa Win, Calls for Do-Over | NBC Nightly News

a-5780 putting targets on our backs
a-9455 putting a target on his back
a-9879 putting a bull's eye on the back of Asian Americans across this country, on our grandparents, on our kids
a-9889 a target was on his back
b-2479 put a target on his own vice president's back
b-3205 put a bit more of a target on the royals' backs
b-3900 a target on their back