
put someone at risk 人を危険にさらす

put someone at risk, put something at risk わかりやすいイディオム。 1:15 so was Brady putting his daughter at risk? トム・ブレイディは自分の娘を危険にさらしたのか?

Why Tom Brady’s Cliff Jump With Daughter Is Being Criticized

0:15 a large swath of the Northern US from Montana to Maine is expected to see temperatures below -12 °C. and that's putting lives at risk. モンタナからメインまでの広範囲の地域で気温がマイナス12度以下になることが予想されている。それは命に関わることだ。

US braces for cold New Year's Eve

0:17 now we're learning nearly 3 million washing machines in American homes right now could put you and your family at risk. アメリカ中の300万台の自動洗濯機があなたとあなたの家族を危険にさらすかもしれない。

Exploding Washing Machines | 2.8M Samsung Units Recalled

1:28 critics say it puts people at risk. 医療関係者のゼネストは人の命を危険にさらす、と関係者は警告する。

British doctors walk off the job in all-out strike

a-6742 putting them under strain or at risk of buckling
a-9420 it puts innocent people at risk
b-0011 putting people's lives at risk