Man Pretends to be Dead After Wife Puts Out Hit on Him: Cops
0:49 the difference between riding one of these and riding your bike at home is wind resistance. it takes about 80% of energy you put into riding a bike to deal with the pressure of wind against you. this does away with that. このような高速自転車と普通の自転車との違いは風の抵抗にある。自転車をこぐ時のエネルギーの八割は風圧に逆らうために使われている。この自転車はその風圧をなくしてくれる。
Cyclists push speed limits at world contest
0:07 within a year, Californians did away with capital punishment. so Manson's sentence was commuted to life in prison. 無差別殺人のチャールズ・マンソンは死刑を言い渡されたが、それから一年も経たないうちにカリフォルニアでは死刑が廃止され、マンソンは終身刑に減刑された。
Mass Murderer Charles Manson's 1987 Interview In San Quentin Prison | TODAY
a-7513 do away with
b-0155 do away with
b-6828 doing away with