
present company excluded, of course 

present company excluded, present company excepted  君は別だよ、皆さんは別だよ。0:35 well these computer things are just a waste of time anyway. ahem. oh, present company excluded, of course! コンピュータなんか時間の無駄さ。えへん。キット、もちろん君は別さ。

You're Built Like a Brick...Garage | Knight Rider

6:51 we are a durable country and we have been through a whole lot worse, and we have good people in this country, ah, present company excluded. トランプ政権下でもアメリカは大丈夫。アメリカは現在よりもはるかに悪い状況を体験してきた。この国にはいい人間がいる、トランプ政権の奴らは別だが、、、

John Dickerson: Senators Can't Use Phones Or Talk To Each Other During Impeachment Trial

b-5997 present company excluded