
私の英語ノート 2020/01/07

職場には必ず働く奴、働かない奴、ゴマすり、馬の合うやつ、合わないやつがいる。点数稼ぎも存在する。点数稼ぎは brown-noser くらいでいい。brown-noser の得意技は点数をかせぐことだ。1:45 it's an honest living. I'm an average hard working man who pays my rent, take care of my family. I ain't rich. I ain't never gonna have a million dollars in the bank. I love what I do because of the freedom. I don't have no incompetent boss giving me orders. I have no back-stabbing co-workers, trying to get brownie points. I'm free. 人にああやれこうやれという使えない上司もいないし、人を陥れて点数を稼ぐ同僚もいないし、俺は自由の身さ。
Hilarious Shoe Shiner Makes $900 Per Day Shaming Shoes on the Street | New York Post

5:38 you know, politicians are trying to score brownie points. they speak in sound bites for their constituents. you know, so none of this really means anything. 政治家は得点を稼ぐために有権者に聞こえのいい話しばかりする。何にも意味していないのさ。

American Dream vs. Fed Induced American Nightmare