
stop someone in their tracks 食い止める、やめさせる

stop someone in their tracks は電車などが緊急停止する(させられる)場面を想像するといい。幅広い解釈をすればいい。 0:43 grandpa Jack Wilson stops him in his tracks. 老体のウイルソン警備員は銃を発砲した犯人を射殺して銃の乱射事件を食い止めた。

How Texas Church Heroes Saved Lives

3:00 but seeing the night sky lit up in such a way made even the busiest New Yorkers stop in their tracks. 変電所での爆発が夜空を染め、ニューヨーカーたち足を釘付けにした。

Scary Explosions That Everyone Walked Away From

2:34 when I first got diagnosed, I was kind of in shock at first. I didn't really put two and two together how serious it was. I didn't realize at the time that it would completely stop me in my tracks. 複合性局所疼痛症候群(CRPS)と診断された時は、気が動転していて、それがどんなに重い病なのか考えても見なかった。それが、私の社会活動を完全に止めてしまおうとは思いもしなかった。

The Woman Who Is Burning From The Inside Out

4:12 I had to come up with some other way to get to the bottom of the truth and stop her in her tracks. 私は嘘で固めた彼女の実態を暴きだす別の方法を考えて、彼女の嘘の暴走を食い止める必要があった。

Cancer Con-Artist Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison - Pt. 1 - Crime Watch Daily

b-3222 made you stop in your tracks
b-3584 stop democracy in its 200 year old tracks
b-4408 stopped the suspect in his tracks
b-4971 stop the caiman dead in its tracks
b-5117 stopped in its tracks
b-5544 stop you in your tracks
b-5586 stops dead in his tracks