
scare out of wits 怖がらせる

scare someone out of their wits 怖がらせる、びっくりさせる。 2:15 I think this is a time when people can start acting, they can start really doing something. they will lose that sense of being scared out of their wits and they will start acting like they're scared into their wits. and that's what we need to do. コロナの時代はみんなが力を合わせるとき、何かをなすべき時だ。すると、恐怖におびえて自分自身を見失うことなく、恐怖のお陰で自分がはっきりと見えてくる。それこそが、必要なことなのだ。

FULL: U of M's Michael Osterholm on coronavirus

9:15 the other reason is this anti-corruption campaign. it's scared the wits out of a lot of people. 資本逃避のもう一つの理由は習近平の「腐敗撲滅運動」です。これは多くの人々を怯えあがらせました。

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0;58 I think I scared the wits out of him from time to time. ときどき主人をびっくりさせたと思います。

TEA WITH THE DAMES Trailer (2018) Maggie Smith, Judi Dench

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2013/05/blog-post_8551.html   びっくりさせるを英語でなんと言うか?

b-4452 scared us out of our wits