
in reverse バックで

in reverse (gear) バック(ギア)で 0:27 the driver hightails it out of there in reverse. この車はバックで急いでこの場を逃げ去った。

Traffic Stop Turns Into Wild Shootout With Cops in Arkansas

0:09 put in reverse. put in reverse. Vanessa. put in reverse. バックにして、バックギアにいれて、バックして。

Suspect in viral road rage video tells her story

0;22 so who put the SUV in reverse? 誰がこの車(のギア)をバックに入れたのか?

Chihuahua Crashes Car While Owner Pumps Gas

0:53 when they chased her down, they say she threw her car into reverse and rammed a police car before they could take her into custody. 警察が容疑者の車を追いかけると、容疑者の女はバックでパトカーに体当たりして来た。

Woman Runs Over Cop Hours After Apparently Doing Shots on Livestream

1:50 the bigwigs in Brussels are also shifting into reverse gear. トランプの大統領当選を受けて、欧州連合の幹部たちも発言を180度転換した。

‘Sorry seems to be the hardest word’? World changes attitude to Trump after election result

b-0262 put the car in reverse