
All but = almost completely

all but ほとんど 1:55 we don't need a moment. the case is all but closed. もう時間は要らない。この事件はほぼ解決した。

#TheMentalist 2.01 - First Episode, First Scene

1:04 but a quick escape seems all but impossible. 迅速な脱出はほとんど不可能だ。

Thousands flee erupting Mt. Nyiragongo volcano in DR Congo | DW News

0:57 by this point in the competition, only 20 minutes into the world championships, the meet was all but over. 世界陸上選手権開始からわずか20分後のこの時点で、競技(の決着)はほとんど決まっていた。

This Will NEVER Happen Again || The Untouchable Record of Jonathan Edwards

0:37 president trump applauded cruz's initiaive which is all but sure to fail.  トランプはテッドクルーズが大統領選の選挙結果に異を唱えたことを評価したが、選挙結果はほとんど覆る見込みは無い。

US senators led by Ted Cruz mount unlikely effort to oppose Biden certification