

0:12 as a prosecutor of Manhattan and a former mayor of New York City, you wouldn't think that his life would (1 word) to where it is today. but because of the fact that he was (3 words) of the election denials, because of the fact that he helped to (3 words) lies pertaining to the 2020 election, the fact he incited some of the violence that took place on January 6th. 前ニューヨーク市長のジュリアーニは弁護士の免許を停止された。マンハッタン地方検事、 前ニューヨーク市長のジュリアーニがここまで落ちるとは誰も考えていなかっただろう。しかし、これはジュリアーニが大統領選の惨敗を認めない中心人物であること、そして大統領選の嘘を拡散したこと、1月6日の議事堂襲撃事件を煽ったことなどが理由だ。

Rudy Giuliani's Election Lies Cost Him BIG