
aid and abet 犯行を幇助する

aid and abet は法律用語だが、一般的に使われているようだ。aid の方は物理的な補助、abet は教唆、唆すの意味。0:12 fascist mobs have declared war on our democracy aided and abetted by the president of the United States and stooges in congress. 大統領と議会にいる大統領の手下たちに幇助されたファシストたちがアメリカの民主主義に戦争を仕掛けた。

The President Is Slithering Off To Mar-A-Lago But The MAGA Menace Isn't Going Away

1:33 after 20 minutes or so, the woman shooting the video was arrested on suspicion of aiding and abetting and endangering an aircraft. このビデオを撮影した女性は犯罪幇助と航空機を危険にさらした疑いの容疑で逮捕された。

Protester climbs on plane ... instantly regrets it

0:13 whie three other officers involved in the incident have been charged with aiding and abetting murder. フロイドさん死亡事件で 他の3人の警察官は殺人幇助罪に問われている。

Police officer charged with Floyd murder appearing in court today

1:51 if in fact it is found that members of Congress were accomplices to this insurrection, if they aided and abetted the crime, there may have to be actions taken beyond Congress.もしも、議員の中に議事堂襲撃の共犯がいるのが判明したら、もしも、彼らが犯行の幇助をしたなら、議会での処分以上の処罰が下るでしょう。

Trump plans military-style send-off for himself on Inauguration Day | WNT

a-9729 aiders and abettors
b-0465 aid and abet