
old hand 熟練者

old hand 熟練者、ベテラン 0;44 Japanese electoronic firm Panasonic, an old hand in the battery business. 電池業界の老舗、パナソニック

How Tesla Builds Batteries So Fast

2:59 when it comes to marital problems, I'm an old hand. 結婚生活の悩みに関しては、私は専門家だよ。

Samantha Goes From Crying To Laughing | Bewitched

0;18 mother is an old hand at this. 狩りに関しては母はベテランだ。

Bobcat Cubs Steal Mom's Food | National Geographic

0;41 she's an old hand at salmon fishing. このメス熊はサケ漁の達人だ。

Salmon Fishing with Grizzlies | America's National Parks

b-1619 an old hand