

7:26 if Xi had (3 words) an assassination plot or other threats to his person while he was in South Africa, he could have (8 words) and made an unexpected and rapid detour to Xinjiang to (1 word) the plans of his enemies. this would have (6 words) to stay one step ahead of anyone looking to (3 words) and schedule new travel arrangements. 南アフリカに滞在中に、習近平が暗殺計画に気づけば、毛沢東よろしく、北京に戻らず、予定にない新疆ウイグル自治区に直行して、暗殺計画を未然に防ぐことが可能だった。この動きは、習と習の警備隊は時間を稼ぎ、暗殺を企てる一味の一歩先にでて、新しい帰京計画を立てることが出来る。

China’s Xi Jinping TERRIFIED He’s Going to Get Assassinated