

catch wind of をつかいます。John caught wind of the gossip being spread about him. When women catch wind of a sale they rush for it like rioters at a soccer match.
get wind ofでも同じ意味です。よく聞くと会話の中でよく使われます。0:15 a crowd of protesters got wind of the event and some 200 supporters of indigenous rights came from the nearby Aboriginal Tent Assembly

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDtBSiI13fE  2:41:18 eventually someone in the government would get wind of what was happening and blow the whistle. 政府の中の誰かが何が起こっているのか察知して告発に踏み切ると思われるだろう。

a-1111 caught wind of
a-1402 got wind of
a-2950 caught wind of
a-3122 caught wind of
b-0677 got wind of the story
b-3406 caught wind of
b-4440 caught wind of