
over the moonとは?

=extremely delighted; very pleased 4:04に出てきます。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaDQaq_K8nA 5:00 we were just over the moon.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k08yxu57NA&feature=related 3:42 you must be over the moon.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLcIGN5c6iw 0:12 husband Jose is over the moon as well. 旦那のホセも妻同様に大喜びだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDAUsBjKG3o 0:32 over the moon is an understatement. (就任式用のケーキを仰せつかったことはこの上ない栄誉であり)嬉しさを通り越している。

0:20 I was over the moon. プロポーズされて天にも舞い上がるような気持ちになりました。

Princess Eugenie reveals she cried at romantic lake-side proposal (and Granny is 'very happy')

a-673 over the moon
a-1215 over the moon
a-1423 over the moon
a-2144 over the moon
a-4597 over the moon
a-5257 over the moon
a-6432 over the moon
a-7542 over the moon
b-4144 over the moon