
do in 殺す

do somebody in は誰かを殺すと言う意味です。1:39 in Iceland, windmills can last for about 3 years before the weather does them in. アイスランドでは発電風車は約三年しかもたない。

The Tech That Could Fix One of Wind Power's Biggest Problems
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q36_8s5z6S8  2:18 this footage was taken to see what was doing in the supposedly invincible predators. この映像はサメのような獰猛な相手を獲物とするタコの様子を収めたものです。
Octopus Kills Shark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4tGlgNU5-k  3:23 also magic has been shown over and over to do him in. スーパーマンを殺そうとして魔法がたびたび使われた。
HACKED BY OBNOXIOUS AND PEIN twitter.com/poodlecorp

a-4067 do him in
a-7426 do yourself in
b-4074 do him in
b-4165 did in
b-4440 do him in