
take a leaf out of someone's book 見習う

take a leaf out of someone's book とは誰かの真似をするです。leaf はルーズリーフ(loose leaf notebook)でわかるように着脱可能ページのこと。take a page from someone's book といっても同じ意味。1:04 with days to go, Hillary Clinton stealing a page from Donald Trump's playbook attacking her opponent for taking a break from campaigning. 大統領選も残すところあと数日となり、クリントン候補はトランプのお株を奪い、遊説中に自分のホテルの宣伝をしているトランプを激しく非難した。

Hillary Clinton Emails Spark New Questions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDleaQIDc9E  1:33 loose leafs = loose leaf notebooks
Huma in hot water? Abedin missing from campaign trail

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ4SkfBfSU4  0:01 want a house with a view but can't afford hilltop prices? you could take a leaf out of the book of a man who built a large villa on top of a Beijing apartment block. 金をかけずに眺めのいい家にすみたいなら、ビルのてっぺんに家を建てたこの人を見習えばいい。
Villa complex built on top of 26-storey apartment block in Beijing, China

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6mP0o4_VUw  1:44 take a page from the Apple playbook, Musk is selling his products directly to consumers. イーロン・マスクはアップル社よろしく電気自動車を顧客に直接販売している。
Why Texas Bans the Sale of Tesla Cars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETF67x_FaZo  0:41 so we took a page from Joan. 私たち女性コメディアンはみんな、元祖の故ジョアン・リバースさんの見よう見まねをして修行しました。
Joy Behar Discusses Her Personal Experiences With Joan Rivers

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/06/blog-post_26.html  お株を奪うを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/07/blog-post_17.html  真似るを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4626 take a page out of the Samsung playbook
a-5191 take a page from (Marcel Proust's book)
a-8162 take a page from this practice
a-9081 have taken a page out of any of those playbooks
b-2834 taking a page out of Putin's playbook
b-3249 take a page out of Fani Willis's book
b-3285 a page right out of
b-3534 takes a page from vladimer putin's playbook
b-3681 took a page from a spy novel
b-4297 in this year of our Lord 2023
b-4440 taken a leaf out of Mao Zedong's book
b-5022 taking a page out of the chinese market's playbook