ShoeZeum The Anatomy Of A Nike Cortez And An Onitsuka Tiger Corsair 8:18 this is the shoe that basically spawned Nike.
Top 10 Most Iconic Sneakers 0:15 they say, Peter, the plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery. so you should feel honored that Morgan Stanley listened to what you said and repeated. モルガン・スタンレー社があなたの言っていることをそのまま受け売りするのは名誉なことですよ。尊敬極まり模倣するというくらいですから。
More Jobs Will be Lost in 2015 0:26 we're talking about imitation. is it a form of flatter or a form of theft? 模倣は尊敬の証かそれとも泥棒の類か? Imitation: Form of Flattery or Case of Theft? BreveTV #25
参考リンク オニツカタイガー
a-2344 copyright infringement is the sincerest form of flattery