
waking hours

waking hours は文字通り起きている時間の意味です。複数形に注意。1:25 these are the people who I spend most of my waking hours with. この仲間たちと起きている時間のほとんどを一緒に行動します。

Munchies: Anthony Bourdain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDcVrVA4bSQ  4:52 the desk is where I spend most of my waking hours.
We The Tiny House People (Documentary): Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjhSdUe7aeQ  1:30 I flourished in my humble trade. my reputation grew. the work devoured my waking hours.
Queen - Good Company (A Night At The Opera 30th Anniversary, 2005)

a-1971 waking hours