
rigor mortis 死後硬直

人間は死ぬと筋肉が固まってくるので体が硬直する。rigor mortis は犯罪推定時刻などの割り出しに使われることがある。0:15 and the muscles begin to stiffen in a process called rigor mortis.

What Happens to a Body After Death?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq6Ii_yxzgk  2:39 you will not be able to raise your left foot as if rigor mortis is setting in.
Criss Angel Raise The Dead w PRN #2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryecn2d_VFU  3:39 she looks very much alive with her arm bent in just the way that would lead one to believe she is holding it there. disturbingly enough it could just be rigor mortis.
Top 10 Creepy Victorian Post-Mortem Photos

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