
fit like a glove ぴったり合う

fit like a glove は体にピッタリとフィットすること。
0:01 (it) fits like a glove. this bionic arm was made just for Freddie Cook.

8-Year-Old Eats Burger With Both Hands Using Bionic Arm

1:36 46 years later and it still fits like a glove.

Women Try On Wedding Dresses to See if They Still Fit

3;01 why does it seem like the Republican base fits him like a glove? 共和党の母体はトランプにピッタリと同調するように見えるのはどうしてでしょうか?彼らが人種差別主義者だからでしょうか?偏見に満ちた人間の集まりなのだからでしょうか?

Lindsey Graham - The Senator Picks His Poison: Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump: The Daily Show

50:49 still fits like a glove.

Bob the Butler (2005) WEBRip Starring Tom Green

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2013/11/blog-post_8728.html  ピッタリ合うを英語でなんと言うか?

a-6703 fits like a glove
b-3973 fits Apple like a glove
b-4128 fits like a glove