The Bourne Identity (6/10) Movie CLIP - Why Would I Know That? (2002) HD
1:06 let's bake together. why would I want to do that? 一緒にお菓子を焼こう。何であんたなんかと一緒にお菓子を焼きたくなるわけ?
THE CHRISTMAS CALENDAR Official Trailer (2017) Romantic Movie HD
4:49 what if you shot me down? why would I shoot you down? もし君に振られたらと思うと、、、一体全体どうして私があなたのような素敵な男性を振ると思うの?
This Matter Of Marriage part 7
1:13 well yeah technically he could say any age he wanted, but why would he do that? あなた(の息子さん)は年を偽ってソーシャルメディアの登録できるけど、一体全体あなたは何のためのそうする必要があるんですか?
MySpace - Saturday Night Live
a-9197 why would I do that
a-9205 why would anyone
a-9256 why on earth would I
a-9996 why would anyone