
cast aspersions on someone 誹謗中傷する

cast aspersions on someone 誰かをののしる、中傷する。aspersion 中傷、、、、必須単語。0:55 right now these parties have moved into just fortresses where people cast aspersions and attacks from one side to another. アメリカの二大政党制は失敗に終わった。今の民主党と共和党はお互いの陣地にもぐりこみ、中傷や非難合戦をしているだけだ。

This Ohio farmer is considering a run against Rep. Jim Jordan

0:37 Fredo is from the Godfather. he was a weak brother. and they use him as an Italian aspersion. マフィア映画「ゴッドファーザー」で次男坊のフレドは気の弱い性格で、愚かで浅はかだから、イタリア人を貶める時にフレドって言うんだよ。

CNN Anchor Lashes Out at Man Who Called Him ‘Fredo’

2:10 he threw aspersions on Obama. トランプはオバマ大統領を中傷した。

How Don Lemon would have greeted Trump if he was Obama

3:25 and yet, there are Republicans who continue to cast aspersions about the process. フロリダの上院選では再集計の予想は共和党の勝利にもかかわらず、選挙は民主党よりだったと非難する共和党議員も多い。

Jake Tapper: Republicans are not the only ones trashing the other party

a-8953 casting aspersons on
b-4626 cast any kind of bad aspersons on
b-4628 aspersions were cast on