
必須英単語 resilient

resilient = strong; flexible like bamboo; able to recover easily from damaging events 1:49 despite facing about 20 storms and typhoons a year, these people are saying that this is perhaps one of the worst storms they've seen in recent memories, but Filipinos are resilient, and they tell me that they are going to rebuild. 年間20ほどの台風に見舞われるフィリッピンだが、避難した人たちはこの台風ティソイは最近の台風の中でも特に強力だという。しかしフィリッピンの人たちは打たれ強く、彼らは失われた家屋を再建するという。

Typhoon Kammuri in Philippines rips through coastal town l ABC News

a-7344 resilient
a-7970 resilient