
in our midst = among us

in one's midst と in the midst of something との関係はすぐわかると思う。one's の部分は複数であることに注意。 1:55 what a wonderful observation. I didn't know we had an art critic in our midst. たいした観察力だこと。この中に芸術評論家がいるとは思わなかったわ。

Cocktail Hour - Saturday Night Live

0:50 hey, everybody. we got a bridge in our midst. うちらの中に花嫁が紛れ込んだぜ。

The Accidental Husband Trailer (HD - Best Quality)

0:52 thousands of foreign pets are now ranging free in our midst. 何千種類もの外来種のペットがアメリカで繁殖している。

Pets Gone Wild | Retro Report | The New York Times

2:15 Wherever John passed throughout the world, people immediately knew there was a leader in their midst. 行く先々では、故マケイン氏は人々から人物だと称えられた。

Senator John McCain Is Laid To Rest In An Emotional Service | NBC News

0:24 no one has ever known we were among you until now. 今まで、私たちが人間社会で生きてきたことに気づいた人間は一人もいない。

Highlander Opening Credits

https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/in_one%27s_midst  in the midst of
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/12/20191223.html  私の英語ノート 2019/12/23

b-1839 in his midst
b-2290 in their midst
b-3213 moved into their midst
b-4299 in their midst
b-4421 in their midst