
call on someone to do something 公に要求する

call on someone to do something 人に何かをするように求める。 1;25 I call on president trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege. トランプは今すぐテレビに出てこの議会の占拠をやめるよう呼びかけ、憲法を守る義務を果たしなさい。

Joe Biden Calls on Donald Trump to 'Step Up' amid Chaos Led by 'Extremists' at Capitol | PEOPLE

2:55 I join the Senate Democratic leader in calling on the vice president to remove this president by immediately invoking the 25th amendment. 共和党の上院議員たちがペンス副大統領に憲法25条を発動してトランプ大統領を罷免するという要求に下院議長の私も賛同します。

Bringing down the Trump Presidency: the 25th Amendment Explained

0:47 Britain's first muslin cabinet minister is also calling on Boris Johnshon to apologize.

Boris Johnson won't apologise over burka comments despite calls from Theresa May | ITV News

0:36 all calling on him not to vote for donald trump. 新しく届いた600通の手紙は共和党の選挙人であるベネリアン氏にトランプには投票するなと強く求めるものばかりだ。

Pro-Trump electors receive death threats

0;48 on Monday morning, House Democrates plan to call on vice president pence and the president's cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. 月曜日の朝に、民主党下院議員たちはペンス副大統領とトランプ政権閣僚たちに憲法25条を発動を発動するように求める意向だ。

Pressure Mounts On President Trump To Resign

b-1564 calling on Beijing to use its influence
b-2372 calling on President Biden to take bold steps