not for the world = never 用例を見たほうが理解が早い。not + 動詞 + for the world が公式。0:18 I would never take that back for the world. 私は何があっても看護師であったことを後悔していない。
How Brianna Went From Nurse to YouTube Star
3:07 if you're ever in town, don't miss it for the world. もしマイアミに着たら、絶対にサイクリングを外さないこと。
Travel Miami: Bicycling - Speed, Lycra, and Sun
1:08 but despite the madness each day brings, Claire wouldn't change it for the world. 犬のお陰で毎日がしっちゃかめっちゃかになるが、クレアさんは犬を取り替える意思は毛頭ないj。
Britain's Biggest Dog
10:31 as a patriotic family, it's an event the Harrigs wouldn't miss for the world. ハリッグさん一家は愛国が強いので、独立記念日は絶対に外さない行事だ。
Millionaire life — not as easy as it sounds | DW Documentary
参考リンク どうしても、、できないを英語でなんと言うか?
b-2909 missed it for all the world
b-5263 wouldn't miss a sports game for the world
b-6298 wouldn't have missed this for the world