
on the good side of (someone) 好かれる、機嫌をとる

on the good side of (someone), on someone's good side 誰かのお気に入り、誰かに好かれる、誰かのご機嫌を取る、、、 4:10 but some people feed them to get on their good side. 中にはガチョウに好かれるために餌付けをする人たちもいる。

Geese: Peace Was Never an Option

1:05 if you're on Biden's good side, then you can get favoritism, you can get sweetheart deals. もしもバイデンに目をかけられたら、ひいきにしてもらえるし、有利な条件の取引が出来る。

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Story CENSORED By Social Media

1:16 your grandmama on your good side will not permit it. そんなことはサマンサの大好きなこのおばあちゃんが許しません。

The Stephens Go Ice Skating! | Bewitched

6:14 there could be Republicans who still think maybe trump gets another four years. so I should sort of stay on his good side. 共和党議員の中にはトランプには二期目があるから、トランプのご機嫌取りをしておかなくちゃ、と考える奴らもいるだろう。

Joe Biden LAUGHS at Trump's Hilarious Coup Attempt

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/10/in-someones-good-graces.html  in someone's good graces 誰かのお気に入り

b-0383 on trump's good side
b-0400 get on their bad side
b-4531 stay on china's good side
b-4697 get on his good side