Good Will Hunting - Trailer
1:43 gradually the prince worked his way back into the then-king's good graces.ムハンマド・ビン・サルマーン王子は無鉄砲で知られ、政権から遠ざけられていたが、時の王様のお気に入りになり、政権に返り咲いた。
The Millennial Prince Running Saudi Arabia
0;02 in the fickle world of Hollywood,it's hard for a star to rise to fame, and exceptionally easy for them to fall out of the public's good graces. スターがコロコロと入れ替わるハリウッドでは、成功するのは難しいが、ファンから見放されるのはいとも簡単だ。
Why Hollywood Won't Cast These 12 Actors Anymore
1;27 Whitmire did try and get back to their good graces but it didn't work. カーミットの声で有名なウィットマイアー氏は高額なギャラを要求してディズニーを解雇された。ウィットマイアー氏はディズニーの好感を得よう努力したが、徒労に終わった。
8 Famous Celebrities Who Ruined Their Careers...
15:41 sequels for the Black Panther and Doctor Strange franchises are in the works as well while Disney's rehiring of James Gunn has put the Guardians of the Galaxy series back in fans' good graces.
Watch This Before You See Avengers: Endgame
a-8342 stay in the good graces of Republicans
a-9561 his back in trump's good graces
b-4457 in the government's good graces
b-6962 stay in the ccp's good graces