
undivided attention 専念、専心

undivided attention専念、専心、全神経を集中させること。1:27 when your girlfriend arrives with a gift, stop whatever it is you're doing and give her your undivided attention. 自分の彼女がお土産を持って尋ねてきたときは、やっている仕事の手を休めて、彼女に全神経を集中するのよ。

Why I suck at relationships - As demonstrated by Lieutenant Commander Data

1;23 you have my undivided attention. あなただけに私の全神経を注ぐわ。

BREAKING Trailer (2022)

0:17 Tia, I really need your full attention here. this is important. ティア、しっかりと聞いてくれ、これは大切なことなんだ。

SNL Digital Short: Anger Problem - SNL

3:15 you have my undivided attention. 君たちの言うことに100%耳を傾けるよ。

SNL Lampoons Trump’s Highlights - Inability to Stop Tweeting 12/3/16

0:18 they pay for our full and undivided attention seven days a week. 彼らが大枚をはたくのは、我々スタッフの滞ることのない一流のサービスのためさ。

Tower Heist (2011) Official HD Trailer

b-4026 their undivided personal attention
b-4213 undivided attention
b-4979 undivided attention