
without so much as さえもせずに

without so much as の後には名詞、動詞のing が続く。意味は、、、、さえもせずに。0:53 he got out of there without so much as a bark to warn his best friend. ペットの犬は主人に吠え声で危険を知らせることさえせずに逃げ出した。

‘Chill’ Man Watches TV After Ceiling Collapses on Him

2:39 Samantha's ability to go anywhere around the globe without so much as wrinkling the hem of her dress. ドレスにしわ一つつけずに世界中を飛び回ることが出来るサマンサの魔法の力。

Bewitched Spells That Would Make The Holidays Much Easier | Bewitched

b-3379 without so much as a broken window