
hate on somebody 人のことを悪く言う、けなす

hate on somebody = criticize someone のことだが、hate on something としても使われている。1:50 I'm not hating on it. グリルステーキをけなすわけじゃないんだ。

Sonny Vs Guga Steak Battle (Pan VS Grill)

7:19 they're hating on you cause you're looking good, is that right ? 君は美しすぎるとねたまれているって噂だが、本当かね?

Women Who Were Told Their Outfits Were ‘Too Revealing’

5:28 I don't know why people are hating on it. どうして皆がカイリー・ジェンナーの成功を疎んじるのかわからないわ。

The debate around Kylie Jenner 'self-made' billionaire Forbes title

1:15 people are going to hate on me, but they wish they were me. 周りの人たちは私のことを悪く言うけど、本当は私のようになりたいのよ。

15-Year-Old With $1,000 Monthly Allowance: ‘I Feel Like A Peasant’

b-3348 hated on me