
in a straitjacket 行動を制限される

straitjacket は拘束衣。in a straitjacket は拘束衣をつけている、行動を制限されている、の意味。straitjacket は straightjacket とも表記される。1:00 we all stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us. so Houdini was known for going out there and getting his name out there. so I took one of his escapes you know hanging upside down in a straitjacket in chains instead of just doing it. 私たち脱出マジッシャンは先輩マジシャンたちの技を受け継いでいます。かのフーディーニは脱出マジックの名人で名を馳せました。そこで私はフーディーニの脱出を、単に拘束衣だけでするのではなく、拘束衣の上からチェーンで縛られて逆さまの状態から脱出します。

Watch Escape Artist Lucas Wilson Try To Break Guinness Record In Straitjacket, Chains | TODAY

4:01 you woke up, you actually find yourself in a straitjacket. てんかん病棟で目覚めたら、拘束衣を着せられていたのですね。

UK Interview with Susannah Cahalan who was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder...7th Feb 2013

1:50 deals done. democratic compromise or desperate infighting which will put McCarthy as Speaker in a straight jacket unable to govern to lead this place. 下院議長は決まった。妥協か仁義なき権力闘争なのか、マッカーシー下院議長は強硬派に大幅譲歩したために議会運営は難しくなった。

Tensions boil over in Congress after Kevin McCarthy is elected US speaker

0:13 McCarthy will essentially have to govern as Speaker in a straitjacket. マッカーシー下院議長は身動きが出来ない状態で議会運営をすることになる。

Hear what Marjorie Taylor Greene did after McCarthy became Speaker

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/07/in-dire-straits.html   in dire straits

b-3173 in a straitjacket