0;40 within a short space of time, we developed our own filter. 短期間で 0:23 in a space of an hour, only one person stopped to see if the child needed help while 616 walked on by. 一時間の間に 0:48 the large number of commuters wanting to travel in a short space of time is putting a strain on the railway system. 短期間で大人数をさばくのは鉄道のシステムに大きな負荷を与えることになる。
14:32 It's made us a hell of a lot closer in a short space of time. 自然な付き合い方をしたことで、わずかな時間でかなり親密になれた。
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle detail proposal and romance| First post-engagement Interview
a-6339 in a short space of time