
refrain from

refrain from は控える、自粛する、遠慮するくらいの意味です。0:30 this year, to add further insult, most Western leaders have refrained from attending the celebration.ロシアの終戦70周年記念式典は西側諸国の代表たちが参列を見送ったことにより、状況がさらに悪化した。

How Russians see the West
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jQrWWjcHgc  0:01 ever since Steven was abducted on August 4, 2013 in Aleppo, his family has refrained from speaking about his incarceration. スティーブがアレッポで拉致されてから、スティーブの家族はその件について一切のコメントを控えてきました。
Statement from Family of Executed Amer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rJM19PAqWM  19:39 you should refrain from entering our bedroom as well.
The Nanny Diaries2007
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDdI7GhZSQA  0:53 And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain don't carry the world upon your shoulders. = refrain from carrying the world on your shoulders.
The Beatles-Hey Jude

1:37 画像 refrain from social gathering and respect people's space. 固まるのを避け、人と人との間隔をあけましょう。

Pandemic diaries: The uncertainty of business

b-0323 refrain from
b-3112 refrain from
b-3826 refrain from