
shifty, devious

shifty, devious この二つの単語には共に信用できない、他意のある、怪しげな、邪(よこしま)な、のような意味を含んでいます。0:30 they're much more intelligent than cats. they're more likely to do something shifty. サルは猫よりも知能があって、裏切るような行為もする。

Michael: Tuesdays & Thursdays: Lions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3QKkgkTZig  4:25 you're the kind of guy shifty character. 人を欺くような性格の持ち主に見えるよ。I'm not really that shifty. そんなに人を欺いたりはしないよ。
Falun Gong Takes Over New York | China Uncensored
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGYfnotvR84  3:48 to get the young inside, the mother uses a devious tactic. ウマバエは幼虫を牛に植え付けるのに邪道な方法を使う。
The scariest animal ever! - Halloween Special - Zoo La La (Ep 56) - Earth Unplugged
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbB_D4MbkF0  3;37 malicious lies, devious lies 悪意に満ちた嘘、人を騙す嘘
Deceiver (Liar) [1997] Full movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BScOROxY1PI  23:30 Devious minds think alike.
The Making of "Flight"

3:19 your decision to assault (these women) was precise, calculated, manipulative, devious, despicable.

'It's why we do it': How journalism stopped Larry Nassar

5:23 shifty Lindsey. 変わり身の早いリンゼー議員

Lindsey Graham vs Lindsey Graham. TYT's Best of 2019