

心に留める、心に刻む、肝に銘じるは take to heart といいます。1:35 several generations of teenagers have taken his character to heart. 重大の若者たちはデヴィッド・ボウイさんの格好、仕草を真似るようになった。

David Bowie on Politics and Influence on Listeners
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S06oMxdt40A  16:07 it's a message his disciple has taken to heart. 酒井雄哉大阿闍梨のお言葉を弟子の藤波源信は真摯に受け止めている。
The Monks Risking Death On An Extraordinary Journey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WiDIhIkPoM  15:01 during this time, Parker gave Zuckerberg some shrewd advice he took to heart. 一生忘れないアドバイスを与えた。
Mark Zuckerberg: Building the Facebook Empire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wpXHqiGZsw  8:17 no one took that to heart quite like this guy. Zhou Yongkang. 江沢民の考えを周永康ほど着実に実行した人間は他にいなかった。
Why is Falun Gong Persecuted? Part 2 | China Uncensored

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/06/blog-post_5862.html  肝に銘じるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-5965 take your hatred to heart
a-7932 took that to heart
b-1509 took this advice to heart