
that's the end of it. それでおしまい。

that's the end of it. は辞書に載っていないが、そのままおぼえておくといい。 9:47 I don't carry a cellphone. got an old flip phone that I put in a glove compartment of my car. and that's where I keep it when I travel. and I have it with me so I let them know when I landed at the airport what gate I am at. that's the end of it. 私はスマホを持っていない。出かけるとき車の小物入れにガラ携を入れている。空港に到着した時とか、何番ゲートにいるとか連絡する時に使っているよ。携帯の用途はそれくらいなもんだ。

Gerald Celente - Hair Dye Deadly, French Strike, People Grumpy

2:48 if you let my daughter go, that will be the end of it. 今すぐに私の娘を解放すれば、この話はここでおしまいにする。

Maggie Grace: 'Liam Neeson Called My Ex-Boyfriend' | TODAY

1;14 I said I was sorry. that's the end of it. ちゃんと謝っただろう。それでお詫びはおしまいなんだ。

Angry people (Vivian Ward VS Edward Lewis)

2:10 I think we may have a good idea of what happened 36 years ago. but that may be the end of it. 36年前の事件で何があったかは想像がつくが、それまでの話です。

Robert Wagner Declared ‘Person of Interest’ in Death of Actress Natalie Wood