
reversal of fortune 形勢逆転

a reversal of fortune は 形勢逆転。a reversal of fortunes もよく使われる。0:15 its fortunes are undergoing a dramatic reversal. A380 は(コロナのお陰で)お蔵入りしたが、コロナ後の航空業界では、A380にツキがまわってきた。注;いい意味。

Airlines reinstate decommissioned A380 planes as travel demand surges | DW News

0;55 there has been pressure piling up on president putin, in russian media, to do something to reverse russia's fortunes on the battlefield. ウクライナとの戦争でロシア軍の不利な戦局を逆転させるよう、マスコミはプーチンにけしかけていた。注;いい意味。

Videos show Russian citizens stuck in traffic trying to flee

0:59 you expect your fortune to change in six or eight months? 6ヶ月、8ヶ月で運が向いてくると思う?

Amadeus (1984) - Scene: "No, But I'm Broke.." Talk With Salieri

1;46 you seem to have had a small reversal of fortune. 形勢逆転のようだな。ツキが落ちたようだな。

THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH | Bond's hidden assets

1:07 another area that has seen a dramatic reversal of fortunes is Bristol's Harbourside. もう一ヶ所劇的な変化を遂げた場所はブリストルのハーバーサイドだ。

Bristol, England's Rising Housing Market