pep in your step 元気な足取り、自信がある。2:50 anyway, Kevin shook off those first two days of losing three times came into the chamber today with a pep in his step and lost four more times. 下院議長選でおととい三回負け、きのう三回負けたケビンは自信に満ちた足取りで登院、そして今日は四度負けました。
Why Does Kevin McCarthy Keep Going? | GOP Spins House Chaos As A Good Thing
11;27 he's got pep in his step. トランプに命令したこの男は自信に満ちている。
Stephen's LIVE Monologue After The Jan. 6th Committee Hearing | Run, Hawley, Run!
1:07 I have (hot) peppers. that would certainly explain the pep in her step. 私は唐辛子を食べるのよ。道理でアナさんの足取りはシャキッとしているわけだ。
107-Year-Old Woman Dances After Beating Coronavirus
参考リンク a spring in your step 軽やかな足取り 檄を飛ばすを英語でなんと言うか?
b-5291-b a little skip in his step
b-5986 a pep in her step