potty-train おまるのしつけをする、トイレのしつけをする。potty-training は toilet-training とも言う。4;16 in 2021, this potty-trained cow did its business in a moo-loo. トイレの仕方を学んだこの牝牛は、モーモートイレで用を足した。4:25 toilet-trained
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0;33 Samantha Ebner of Wisconsin says her toddler daughter Aubrey also had trouble focusing during the day and with potty-training at night. サマンサさんは娘のオーブリーちゃんが昼間物事に集中できず、夜はおまるのしつけが出来ないと語った。
Why Snoring in Toddlers Could Be a Sign They're Not Getting Enough Sleep
0:44 we were trying to potty-train my daughter Amanda. 娘のアマンダにおまるのしつけを教えていました。
I Have To Go Potty | National Geographic
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2012/01/blog-post_6219.html 簡易トイレを英語でなんと言うか?